The effects of interval mapping for quantitative trait loci ( QTL) of single trait under different heritabilities and marker densities in a F2 population were compared by computer simulation. 采用计算机模拟方法系统比较了目标数量性状的遗传力和标记密度对F2设计下单个性状数量性状座位(QTL)区间定位效果的影响。
Bayesian Statistics-Based Multiple Interval Mapping of QTL Controlling Endosperm Traits in Cereals 基于贝叶斯统计的谷物胚乳性状QTL多区间作图方法
QTL Mapping in Chinese Fir Using Modified Composite Interval Mapping Method and F_1 Population 利用改进的复合区间作图法和F1代群体进行杉木的QTL作图
Conventional methods including single marker analysis and interval mapping are based on the single locus model. 传统的探测方法是基于单一基因位点的模型。
Studies of Marker Screening Efficiency and Corresponding Influencing Factors in QTL Composite Interval Mapping QTL复合区间作图中标记筛选的效率及其影响因素研究
Principle and Method of Composite Interval Mapping Qtl for Dynamic Trait 动态性状基因复合区间定位理论与方法研究
A molecular linkage map comprising 221 markers was applied to locate QTL for these agronomic traits, using the method of least-squares-based composite interval mapping. 利用该群体构建的一张包含221个标记的分子连锁图(全长1776.3cM),采用基于最小二乘的复合区间定位法对上述性状进行了QTL定位。
A statistical method was described for interval mapping of quantitative trait loci ( QTL) using codominant flanking molecular markers such as RFLPs. 本文系统地描述了应用两个相邻共显性分子标记进行数量性状基因座位(QTL)区间作图的方法。
A Data Object Placement Algorithm Based on Dynamic Interval Mapping 基于动态区间映射的数据对象布局算法
The QTL interval mapping analysis was carried out with MAPMAKER/ QTL and QTL Cartographer. 运用MAPMAKER/QTL和QTLCartographer软件进行了区间分析,两种方法均发现Xgwm294与每穗小穗数的QTL紧密连锁,而且距离很近,分别为0.0cM和0.01cM,几乎就位于该标记处。
Composite Interval Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Based on Least Squares Estimation 基于最小二乘估计的数量性状基因座的复合区间定位法
Resistance to BLS of each line in the population was tested in both 1996 and 1997. The methods of t test, composite interval mapping and multiple trait composite interval mapping were used to map genes ( QTLs) underlying resistance to BLS. 1996和1997连续两年对该群体进行了细条病抗性鉴定。采用t测验法、复合区间定位法及多性状复合区间定位法对细条病抗性基因(QTL)进行了定位分析。
When only one QTL exists on chromosome, interval mapping would obtain a better result; 当只有一个QTL时,利用侧翼标记信息进行区间定位即可获得较理想的结果;
The QTL relevant to disease resistance and effects were analyzed with composite interval mapping. 应用复合区间作图法分析抗病QTL及基因效应。
By the 1990s, QTL composite interval mapping, multiple interval mapping and marker-aided selection ( MAS) theories and methods were all developed further. 进入20世纪90年代,数量性状的复合区间作图、全区间作图以及标记辅助选择的理论和方法进一步得到了扩展和完善。
By taking the advantage of error reduction of Lattice design, we proposed a composite interval mapping model for QTL detection. 本研究利用格子设计,构建了复合区间定位模型,提出了相应的QTL检测方法。
A total of 62 epistatic QTL ( E-QTL) were detected for vegetable weight in the seven environments using composite interval mapping with mixed model, and 2 of them were repeatedly detected over environments. 对DH群体采用混合模型的复合区间作图法,茎叶总重在七个环境下共检测到62个上位性QTL(EpistaticQTL,E-QTL);环境间仅检测到2个相同的E-QTL。
Finally, we perform some research on the more popular QTL mapping, considering the interval mapping for QTL when crossover interference is present. 最后,本文就当前比较流行的数量性状位点定位进行了一些研究,考虑了基因组上存在交换干扰时数量性状位点的区间定位问题。
The composite interval mapping was used mapping each trait. 利用复合区间作图法,对各性状进行QTL定位。
Dynamic QTLs affecting plant height were mapped and analyzed by the combination of multiple interval mapping and the conditional analysis method. 同时将多重区间定位法和条件分析法结合起来,对不同发育时期辣椒株高的动态QTL变化进行了分析研究。
With composite interval mapping ( CIM) method, a molecular genetic linkage map of non-heading Chinese cabbage were adopted to map and analyses QTL controlling the vitamin C trait. 利用已构建的包括138个分子标记的不结球白菜分子遗传图谱,采用复合区间作图法(CIM)对不结球白菜叶片Vc性状进行了QTL定位和遗传效应分析。